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adult woman on her phone for a virtual orthodontic consultation

Maybe you’ve heard of “virtual orthodontic consultations” recently but aren’t sure what exactly these entail. After all, virtual consultations are relatively new! We’re here to answer your questions and tell you everything you need to know about virtual orthodontic consultations.[…]

If you often find stains on your teeth, yellowing on your teeth, or even start to notice a cavity appearing, you may be wondering why and how this keeps happening. Sometimes the beverages you drink can be to blame! But[…]

Before you see a health specialist, you typically need a doctor referral from your primary care provider or family doctor. So does that apply to orthodontists too? Spoiler alert: No, you do not need a dentist referral to begin your[…]

In your oral hygiene routine, morning and night, you likely focus on cleaning your teeth. But what about your tongue? Is there any benefit to cleaning your tongue? Here’s everything you need to know about cleaning your tongue, including the[…]

Charcoal toothpaste has become more popular lately, with well-known brands like Colgate, Crest, Hello and Burt’s Bees entering the charcoal toothpaste market. Is this trend worth the try? Is it a good idea to use charcoal toothpaste during braces treatment[…]

Spoiler alert: Not even close! If you had braces before the 21st century, you’ll notice that today’s braces have changed drastically. Braces are now more compact, durable, efficient and discreet than ever before. Let’s dive into the evolution of braces[…]

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