Ortho Blog & Recent News | Wiewiora & Dunn Orthodontics

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daughter hugs mom and wonders what happens if Stopped wearing my retainer

So you went through orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign® in the past. Maybe you started off strong wearing your retainer every night after treatment. Then, one night, you left your retainer in its case… and that turned into multiple[…]

We heard the recent news about SmileDirectClub closing its doors, and (unfortunately) we’re not surprised! Mail-order clear aligners have been known to cause irreparable damage to their patients’ precious smiles. We genuinely hope that you haven’t been negatively impacted by[…]

In any case of a gummy smile, Dr. Wiewiora or Dr. Dunn can create a personalized treatment plan to correct your condition and help you feel confident in your smile! Being a Diamond Plus Invisalign Provider, we’re ranked in the[…]

We often hear new patients ask, “can I get Invisalign® for bottom teeth only?” and the answer is yes! Invisalign clear aligners are available for the bottom teeth or top teeth of your jaw. You may think that orthodontic treatment[…]

The holidays are right around the corner! If you’re starting to think of gifts or stocking stuffer ideas for someone who’s currently wearing braces or Invisalign®, or someone who’s considering orthodontics, we prepared the ultimate guide to make it easy[…]

On your journey to your perfect smile with Invisalign®, you may wonder what’s the best way to keep your teeth white and bright during your treatment. In your google search, you may find some suggestions about using whitening toothpaste and[…]

Don’t wait!

A confident smile begins with a free consultation.