Get a Good Night's Sleep with Braces! Wiewiora & Dunn Orthodontics
Adult sleeping with braces

Don’t worry! You can get a good night’s sleep with braces.

May 6, 2024

So it’s your first night with braces! You’re excited to be undergoing a life changing transformation, but you also know that the first week with braces requires some minor adjustments. 

Is there anything to be worried about? Can you still get a good night’s sleep with braces?

Of course you can! We’ll help you do it. Here’s what you need to know about sleeping with braces with 5 top tips to sleep soundly through the night. 

How to Sleep with Braces

Tip #1: Keep your teeth and gums clean.

Committing to a thorough oral hygiene routine is more important than ever when you have braces. It’s crucial that you clean your gums, clean between each tooth, and clean the spaces between your teeth and braces before you go to bed. By keeping your teeth and braces clean, you prevent any unhealthy symptoms from developing. 

Symptoms like inflamed gums, tender gums, yellow teeth, toothaches or bad breath due to poor oral hygiene can be pretty uncomfortable and distracting when you’re trying to sleep. Keeping your teeth and braces clean will serve you in many ways!

Tip #2: Try sleeping on your back.

If you tend to sleep on your side or stomach, try sleeping on your back for a few nights. When you lay on your side and stomach, your cheeks are pressed against the pillow, which can irritate your mouth. By sleeping on your back, the contact between your braces and mouth is minimized, so your cheeks can relax without being pushed against your braces.

If you continue to sleep on your side, that’s okay! You don’t have to worry about any considerable dangers when it comes to sleep position. You may just wake up with a bracket imprint on the inside of your cheeks and some minor soreness that goes away pretty quickly. 

Tip #3: Use dental wax if needed.

Dental wax, or orthodontic wax, can come in super handy with tender cheeks or gums. Wax can be placed over any brackets or wires that tend to irritate your cheeks. Before you go to bed, simply pull off a few pieces of orthodontic wax, place them over any brackets or wire ends that need attention – or place some wax on all of your brackets – to give your cheeks some relief.

While you sleep, the wax will provide a comfortable barrier between your braces and your mouth, so you can sleep soundly and wake up rested.

You don’t have to worry about swallowing any wax while you sleep too. Most brands use non-toxic, natural substances, like carnauba wax, beeswax or paraffin wax. Make sure that the brand you choose uses non-toxic ingredients, so if you dream of a juicy burger and mistake the wax for your next bite, you won’t get sick… you’ll just be a little disappointed.

Tip #4: Use Tylenol if you have to!

During your first week with braces, it’s normal to experience some soreness in your gums. If you’ve been eating soft foods and taking it easy on your braces to prevent discomfort, but you’re still feeling some soreness before bed, you can take an over-the-counter acetaminophen medication, like Tylenol.

We suggest Tylenol or another acetaminophen medication, because ibuprofen and other NSAIDs can actually slow tooth movement (NCBI).   

After the first week or so of your treatment, you should feel good enough to sleep without pain medication!

Sleeping with braces isn’t difficult, and many people don’t have to make any adjustments whatsoever! It really depends on your personal experience and whether or not you experience soreness with your braces. 

Tip #5: Wear a nightguard or mouthguard if you grind your teeth.

If you’re someone who grinds your teeth at night, it’s best to wear a mouthguard to prevent any clenching or grinding tendencies from contributing to the soreness. 

Not sure which mouthguard or night guard is best for your smile? Dr. Wiewiora or Dr. Dunn can recommend an over-the-counter nightguard, available from online retailers or at Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Need more tips?

At your first visit, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to prepare for your orthodontic treatment! We’ll give you the tips and tricks you’re looking for to help you get a good night’s rest every night. 

We provide a number of different types of braces, including traditional silver braces, clear ceramic braces and Invisalign® for kids, teens and adults!

If you’re looking for a top orthodontist in Lake Mary or Longwood, FL, we’d love to meet you! Request a complimentary exam for you or your child today. 

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