Have you ever looked carefully at teenagers as they play sports? If you have, you’ve probably noticed that many of them are wearing braces. Do you wonder how they engage in physical activities and contact sports without injuring their teeth or harming their metal brackets and wires? If so, you’re not alone. But wearing braces is absolutely no reason to sit on the sidelines.
Follow your orthodontist’s instructions if you are worried about hurting your mouth while engaging in physical activities. Taking extra steps to safeguard your teeth and braces helps make playing sports more enjoyable. Using caution and adding a bit of protection goes a long way!
Tips for Keeping Your Mouth Safe
Athletic Mouthguard
If your child already has an athletic mouthguard, it may not fit during his or her orthodontic treatment. Braces with brackets and wires require extra space in the mouth, which makes some pre-existing mouthguards impossible to use. Any child that participates in contact sports should wear a mouthguard that fits correctly. We have mouthguards that we can provide to your child and/or we can recommend certain brands of mouthguards that are preferred during orthodontic treatment. Please talk with us about your options next time you’re in the office.
Use All Required Protective Gear
An athletic mouthguard is vital, but so is all the other protective gear for your sport. Please do not attempt to engage in physical activities without wearing complete protective equipment. A mouthguard may protect your teeth, the inside of your cheeks, tongue, brackets, and wires, but it cannot protect all other parts of your body! Make sure to wear a mouthguard in conjunction with all other safety gear.
Always Keep Your Eye on the Ball
When playing a sport, it’s essential that you pay attention at all times. During your time as an orthodontic patient, do everything possible to avoid getting hit in the face. Avoiding dangerous situations on the playing field helps avert painful injuries and time-consuming orthodontic repairs.
Use Caution When Sitting in the Stands
Just because you’re a spectator at a sporting event does not mean you are exempt from possible injuries. Anyone in the stands who is wearing braces should remain vigilant. Balls and sporting equipment is often inadvertently hurled into the crowd during a game or competition. Those who are not paying attention can get hit and injured. If you are in braces, make sure to raise your hands to protect your face if you see a ball or sports equipment flying towards you!
Visit Your Orthodontist After an Injury
If your face or mouth is injured while playing sports, make sure to call us as soon as possible. It’s crucial that we evaluate your teeth and braces to make sure there is no significant damage. Please do not wait weeks or months to let us know that you sustained a facial injury.
Don’t Give Up Playing Sports Because of Braces!
There is no reason to refrain from playing sports while you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. If you are a parent of a child in braces, don’t worry. We do everything possible to keep your child safe and injury-free. There is no reason to avoid physical activities because of braces. We are happy to talk with you about any of your questions or concerns about playing sports at your initial orthodontic consultation or during one of your regularly scheduled appointments.